Python For Data Analysis-七章第二节
《Python For Data Analysis》的第七章的主要围绕如何处理缺失数据、重复数据和字符串处理以及为数据分形做一些必要的预处理展开。第七章的第二节主要讨论研究对缺失数据的处理方法。
15.1 删除重复数据(去重)
- duplicated可以判断dataframe里是否存在重复的(行)数据。
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from random import shuffle
x = np.arange(6)
x = np.repeat(x, 16)
x = x.reshape((x.shape[0] / 3, 3))
val = x
col = list("abc")
df1 = pd.DataFrame(val, columns = col)
print "-" * 40
print df1, "# df1"
print "-" * 40
print df1.duplicated()
a b c
0 5 3 0
1 2 3 0
2 0 2 5
3 3 1 5
4 1 5 3
5 0 0 5
6 3 4 5
7 0 2 0
8 3 4 3
9 0 4 1
10 3 4 5
11 3 4 1
12 2 4 4
13 4 4 4
14 0 5 3
15 4 4 2
16 3 0 1
17 3 1 5
18 1 0 1
19 2 2 5
20 0 0 2
21 5 2 5
22 1 1 1
23 0 3 3
24 2 1 5
25 2 1 4
26 2 2 5
27 2 4 3
28 0 4 5
29 1 0 4
30 2 2 3
31 1 1 5 # df1
0 False
9 False
10 True
11 False
16 False
17 True
18 False
25 False
26 True
27 False
31 False
dtype: bool
- drop_duplicates函数可以删除重复的数据。
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from random import shuffle
x = np.arange(6)
x = np.repeat(x, 16)
x = x.reshape((x.shape[0] / 3, 3))
val = x
col = list("abc")
df1 = pd.DataFrame(val, columns = col)
print "-" * 40
print df1, "# df1"
print "-" * 40
print df1.duplicated(), "# duplicated()"
print "-" * 40
print df1.drop_duplicates(), "# drop_duplicates()"
print "-" * 40
a b c
0 0 2 3
1 0 5 3
2 4 1 3
3 2 1 0
4 1 2 5
5 0 5 0
6 4 0 2
7 2 1 3
8 5 1 1
9 2 4 2
10 0 5 3
11 4 0 2
12 5 5 3
13 3 2 0
14 2 4 1
15 2 3 3
16 1 5 1
17 4 4 2
18 4 5 1
19 4 1 1
20 3 5 4
21 0 4 4
22 5 1 3
23 3 0 3
24 2 0 5
25 0 4 3
26 1 2 4
27 2 5 5
28 4 1 2
29 3 0 4
30 0 1 5
31 5 3 0 # df1
0 False
9 False
10 True
11 True
12 False
31 False
dtype: bool # duplicated()
a b c
0 0 2 3
9 2 4 2
12 5 5 3
31 5 3 0 # drop_duplicates()
15.2 数据转化处理
原始的DataFrame数据有很多的问题,例如精度、大小写没同意,在做进一步的数据分析前需要处理一下,本节研究数据的转化、转换(Transforming Data),在pandas里有很多的函数可以对原始数据进行初步处理,例如使用比较多的map、apply和applymap等。applymap可以作用于dataframe的每一个元素,元素级的函数。map可以作用在一维的Series、dataframe的某行或者某列上每个元素,也是,元素级的函数。而apply函数作用在行或者列上,集合级的函数。 * map函数作用于Series的每个元素,dataframe的某行或者某列也是Series,所以也可以用map函数。
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
data = pd.DataFrame({'food': ['bacon', 'pulled pork', 'bacon',
'Pastrami', 'corned beef', 'Bacon',
'pastrami', 'honey ham', 'nova lox'],
'ounces': [4, 3, 12, 6, 7.5, 8, 3, 5, 6],
'price' :[7.8,8.3,7.5, 8.2,6.6,7.1 ,8.9,9.0,7.2]})
print "-" * 40
print data, "# data"
print "-" * 40
print "# data['food']'s type is->", type(data["food"])
print "-" * 40
print data["food"].map(str.lower), "# map on data['food'](a series)"
print "-" * 40
print data, "# data no changed"
print "-" * 40
v = data["food"].map(str.lower)
print data, "# update food column"
print "-" * 40
food ounces price
0 bacon 4.0 7.8
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3
2 bacon 12.0 7.5
3 Pastrami 6.0 8.2
4 corned beef 7.5 6.6
5 Bacon 8.0 7.1
6 pastrami 3.0 8.9
7 honey ham 5.0 9.0
8 nova lox 6.0 7.2 # data
# data['food']'s type is-> <class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
0 bacon
1 pulled pork
2 bacon
3 pastrami
4 corned beef
5 bacon
6 pastrami
7 honey ham
8 nova lox
Name: food, dtype: object # map on data['food'](a series)
food ounces price
0 bacon 4.0 7.8
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3
2 bacon 12.0 7.5
3 Pastrami 6.0 8.2
4 corned beef 7.5 6.6
5 Bacon 8.0 7.1
6 pastrami 3.0 8.9
7 honey ham 5.0 9.0
8 nova lox 6.0 7.2 # data no changed
food ounces price
0 bacon 4.0 7.8
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3
2 bacon 12.0 7.5
3 pastrami 6.0 8.2
4 corned beef 7.5 6.6
5 bacon 8.0 7.1
6 pastrami 3.0 8.9
7 honey ham 5.0 9.0
8 nova lox 6.0 7.2 # update food column
# data['food']'s type is-> <class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
2). 执行结果里的:
food ounces price
0 bacon 4.0 7.8
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3
2 bacon 12.0 7.5
3 pastrami 6.0 8.2
4 corned beef 7.5 6.6
5 bacon 8.0 7.1
6 pastrami 3.0 8.9
7 honey ham 5.0 9.0
8 nova lox 6.0 7.2 # update food column
food列下的数据里的大写字母均改为了小写字母,原因是update函数里的新值v是由语句v = data["food"].map(str.lower)
0 bacon
1 pulled pork
2 bacon
3 pastrami
4 corned beef
5 bacon
6 pastrami
7 honey ham
8 nova lox
Name: food, dtype: object # map on data['food'](a series)
- update函数是inplace的函数,函数执行直接影响dataframe的数据,用新的值去更新数据。上边程序更新了food列上的数据,因为新数据仅是一个series。dataframe型数据update函数里可以用dataframe来更新多行、多列。
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
data = pd.DataFrame({'food': ['bacon', 'pulled pork', 'bacon',
'Pastrami', 'corned beef', 'Bacon',
'pastrami', 'honey ham', 'nova lox'],
'ounces': [4, 3, 12, 6, 7.5, 8, 3, 5, 6],
'price' :[7.8,8.3,7.5, 8.2,6.6,7.1 ,8.9,9.0,7.2]})
print "-" * 40
print data, "# data"
print "-" * 40
v = pd.DataFrame([[13,8.5], [9,8.1]], columns = ['ounces', 'price'], index = [2,5])
print data, "# update rows,columns"
print "-" * 40
food ounces price
0 bacon 4.0 7.8
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3
2 bacon 12.0 7.5
3 Pastrami 6.0 8.2
4 corned beef 7.5 6.6
5 Bacon 8.0 7.1
6 pastrami 3.0 8.9
7 honey ham 5.0 9.0
8 nova lox 6.0 7.2 # data
food ounces price
0 bacon 4.0 7.8
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3
2 bacon 13.0 8.5
3 Pastrami 6.0 8.2
4 corned beef 7.5 6.6
5 Bacon 9.0 8.1
6 pastrami 3.0 8.9
7 honey ham 5.0 9.0
8 nova lox 6.0 7.2 # update rows,columns
数据的2、5行的'ounces', 'price'列的数据被更新了,使用的v这个dataframe型数据。
* applymap函数可以作用于dataframe的每个元素,返回执行结果,不影响原始数据。
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
val = np.arange(24).reshape((6,4))
col = list("abcd")
ind = list("opqrst")
df1 = pd.DataFrame(val, columns = col, index = ind)
print "-" * 40
print df1, "# df1"
print "-" * 40
print df1.applymap(lambda x : 1 if x % 3 == 0 else -1)
print "-" * 40
print df1, "# df1"
print "-" * 40
a b c d
o 0 1 2 3
p 4 5 6 7
q 8 9 10 11
r 12 13 14 15
s 16 17 18 19
t 20 21 22 23 # df1
a b c d
o 1 -1 -1 1
p -1 -1 1 -1
q -1 1 -1 -1
r 1 -1 -1 1
s -1 -1 1 -1
t -1 1 -1 -1
a b c d
o 0 1 2 3
p 4 5 6 7
q 8 9 10 11
r 12 13 14 15
s 16 17 18 19
t 20 21 22 23 # df1
- apply作用于dataframe的行或者列即一维数组,对数组里的每个数据执行某中处理。
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
data = pd.DataFrame({'food': ['bacon', 'pulled pork', 'bacon',
'Pastrami', 'corned beef', 'Bacon',
'pastrami', 'honey ham', 'nova lox'],
'ounces': [4, 3, 12, 6, 7.5, 8, 3, 5, 6],
'price' :[7.8,8.3,7.5, 8.2,6.6,7.1 ,8.9,9.0,7.2]})
print "-" * 40
print data, "# data"
print "-" * 40
v = pd.DataFrame([[13,8.5], [9,8.1]], columns = ['ounces', 'price'], index = [2,5])
func = lambda x : x['ounces'] * x['price']
data["cost"] = data.apply(func, axis = 1)
print data, "# apply"
print "-" * 40
food ounces price
0 bacon 4.0 7.8
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3
2 bacon 12.0 7.5
3 Pastrami 6.0 8.2
4 corned beef 7.5 6.6
5 Bacon 8.0 7.1
6 pastrami 3.0 8.9
7 honey ham 5.0 9.0
8 nova lox 6.0 7.2 # data
food ounces price cost
0 bacon 4.0 7.8 31.2
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3 24.9
2 bacon 12.0 7.5 90.0
3 Pastrami 6.0 8.2 49.2
4 corned beef 7.5 6.6 49.5
5 Bacon 8.0 7.1 56.8
6 pastrami 3.0 8.9 26.7
7 honey ham 5.0 9.0 45.0
8 nova lox 6.0 7.2 43.2 # apply
- 通过字典+map实现多对多的映射,这是书上的map函数的例子,bacon、pulled pork、honey ham都和pig猪肉有关的食品,pastrami、corned beef和cow牛肉有关的食品,nova lox属于salmon三文鱼食品。
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
data = pd.DataFrame({'food': ['bacon', 'pulled pork', 'bacon',
'Pastrami', 'corned beef', 'Bacon',
'pastrami', 'honey ham', 'nova lox'],
'ounces': [4, 3, 12, 6, 7.5, 8, 3, 5, 6],
'price' :[7.8,8.3,7.5, 8.2,6.6,7.1 ,8.9,9.0,7.2]})
print "-" * 40
print data, "# data"
print "-" * 40
v = pd.DataFrame([[13,8.5], [9,8.1]], columns = ['ounces', 'price'], index = [2,5])
func = lambda x : x['ounces'] * x['price']
data["cost"] = data.apply(func, axis = 1)
print data, "# apply"
print "-" * 40
v = data["food"].map(str.lower)
print data, "# update food column"
meat_to_animal = { 'bacon': 'pig','pulled pork': 'pig',
'pastrami': 'cow','corned beef': 'cow',
'honey ham': 'pig','nova lox': 'salmon'}
v = data['food'].map(meat_to_animal)
print "-" * 40
print v, "# v"
print "v's type:", type(v)
print "-" * 40
data.insert(len(data.columns), "type", v)
print data
print "-" * 40
food ounces price
0 bacon 4.0 7.8
8 nova lox 6.0 7.2 # data
food ounces price cost
0 bacon 4.0 7.8 31.2
8 nova lox 6.0 7.2 43.2 # apply
food ounces price cost
0 bacon 4.0 7.8 31.2
8 nova lox 6.0 7.2 43.2 # update food column
0 pig
1 pig
2 pig
3 cow
4 cow
5 pig
6 cow
7 pig
8 salmon
Name: food, dtype: object # v
v's type: <class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
food ounces price cost type
0 bacon 4.0 7.8 31.2 pig
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3 24.9 pig
2 bacon 12.0 7.5 90.0 pig
3 pastrami 6.0 8.2 49.2 cow
4 corned beef 7.5 6.6 49.5 cow
5 bacon 8.0 7.1 56.8 pig
6 pastrami 3.0 8.9 26.7 cow
7 honey ham 5.0 9.0 45.0 pig
8 nova lox 6.0 7.2 43.2 salmon
语句v = data['food'].map(meat_to_animal)
0 pig
1 pig
2 pig
3 cow
4 cow
5 pig
6 cow
7 pig
8 salmon
Name: food, dtype: object # v
而语句data.insert(len(data.columns), "type", v)
15.3 数据的替换replace
pandas的replace函数可以进行数据的替换操作。 * 某值换成另外一个值,形参里有两个单值。
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
data = pd.DataFrame({'food': ['bacon', 'pulled pork', 'bacon',
'Pastrami', 'corned beef', 'Bacon',
'pastrami', 'honey ham', 'nova lox'],
'ounces': [4, 3, 12, 6, 7.5, 8, 3, 5, 6],
'price' :[7.8,8.3,7.5, 8.2,6.6,7.1 ,8.9,9.0,7.2]})
print "-" * 40
print data, "# data"
print "-" * 40
print data.replace("Bacon", "bacon"), "# single to single"
print "-" * 40
food ounces price
0 bacon 4.0 7.8
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3
2 bacon 12.0 7.5
3 Pastrami 6.0 8.2
4 corned beef 7.5 6.6
5 Bacon 8.0 7.1
6 pastrami 3.0 8.9
7 honey ham 5.0 9.0
8 nova lox 6.0 7.2 # data
food ounces price
0 bacon 4.0 7.8
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3
2 bacon 12.0 7.5
3 Pastrami 6.0 8.2
4 corned beef 7.5 6.6
5 bacon 8.0 7.1
6 pastrami 3.0 8.9
7 honey ham 5.0 9.0
8 nova lox 6.0 7.2 # single to single
- 某些值均换成某个值,列表和一个单值。
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
data = pd.DataFrame({'food': ['bacon', 'pulled pork', 'bacon',
'Pastrami', 'corned beef', 'Bacon',
'pastrami', 'honey ham', 'nova lox'],
'ounces': [4, 3, 12, 6, 7.5, 8, 3, 5, 6],
'price' :[7.8,8.3,7.5, 8.2,6.6,7.1 ,8.9,9.0,7.2]})
print "-" * 40
print data, "# data"
print "-" * 40
print data.replace([7.8,7.5,7.2],7.0),"# list to single"
print "-" * 40
food ounces price
0 bacon 4.0 7.8
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3
2 bacon 12.0 7.5
3 Pastrami 6.0 8.2
4 corned beef 7.5 6.6
5 Bacon 8.0 7.1
6 pastrami 3.0 8.9
7 honey ham 5.0 9.0
8 nova lox 6.0 7.2 # data
food ounces price
0 bacon 4.0 7.0
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3
2 bacon 12.0 7.0
3 Pastrami 6.0 8.2
4 corned beef 7.0 6.6
5 Bacon 8.0 7.1
6 pastrami 3.0 8.9
7 honey ham 5.0 9.0
8 nova lox 6.0 7.0 # list to single
- 某些值换成另外些值,常用字典反应替换时的对应关系或两个集合。
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
data = pd.DataFrame({'food': ['bacon', 'pulled pork', 'bacon',
'Pastrami', 'corned beef', 'Bacon',
'pastrami', 'honey ham', 'nova lox'],
'ounces': [4, 3, 12, 6, 7.5, 8, 3, 5, 6],
'price' :[7.8,8.3,7.5, 8.2,6.6,7.1 ,8.9,9.0,7.2]})
print "-" * 40
print data, "# data"
print "-" * 40
print data.replace(["Bacon","Pastrami"],["bacon","pastrami"]),"# list to list"
print "-" * 40
print data.replace({"Bacon":"bacon","Pastrami": "pastrami"}), "# dict"
print "-" * 40
food ounces price
0 bacon 4.0 7.8
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3
2 bacon 12.0 7.5
3 Pastrami 6.0 8.2
4 corned beef 7.5 6.6
5 Bacon 8.0 7.1
6 pastrami 3.0 8.9
7 honey ham 5.0 9.0
8 nova lox 6.0 7.2 # data
food ounces price
0 bacon 4.0 7.8
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3
2 bacon 12.0 7.5
3 pastrami 6.0 8.2
4 corned beef 7.5 6.6
5 bacon 8.0 7.1
6 pastrami 3.0 8.9
7 honey ham 5.0 9.0
8 nova lox 6.0 7.2 # list to list
food ounces price
0 bacon 4.0 7.8
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3
2 bacon 12.0 7.5
3 pastrami 6.0 8.2
4 corned beef 7.5 6.6
5 bacon 8.0 7.1
6 pastrami 3.0 8.9
7 honey ham 5.0 9.0
8 nova lox 6.0 7.2 # dict
15.4 修改索引
对于dataframe有行索引index,列索引label,两者都有位置信息position,如果觉得index和label不太合适可以使用rename或者map来修改index和label。 * 修改行索引index,由于index是一个series所以可以用map函数。
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
val = np.arange(12).reshape((3, 4))
ind = ['Ohio', 'Colorado', 'New York']
col = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']
data = pd.DataFrame(val, ind, col)
print "-" * 40
print data, "# data"
print "-" * 40
data.index =
print data, "# map index"
print "-" * 40
one two three four
Ohio 0 1 2 3
Colorado 4 5 6 7
New York 8 9 10 11 # data
one two three four
OHIO 0 1 2 3
COLORADO 4 5 6 7
NEW YORK 8 9 10 11 # map index
- 下面的例子是使用rename来修改index和label。(1). 可以在rename里给出作用于每个元素的函数来修改index或lable的值。
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
val = np.arange(12).reshape((3, 4))
ind = ['OHiO', 'COlorRado', 'New york']
col = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']
data = pd.DataFrame(val, ind, col)
print "-" * 40
print data, "# data"
print "-" * 40
print data.rename(index=str.title, columns=str.upper)
print "-" * 40
one two three four
OHiO 0 1 2 3
COlorRado 4 5 6 7
New york 8 9 10 11 # data
Ohio 0 1 2 3
Colorrado 4 5 6 7
New York 8 9 10 11
函数作用是字符串变大写。(2). 也可给出一个字典给出index或者label的变化关系。
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
val = np.arange(12).reshape((3, 4))
ind = ['Ohio', 'Colorado', 'New York']
col = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']
data = pd.DataFrame(val, ind, col)
print "-" * 40
print data, "# data"
print "-" * 40
data.rename(index={"Ohio": "MIT"}, columns={"one":"One", "two":"TWO"}, inplace = True)
print data, "# rename and inplace"
print "-" * 40
one two three four
Ohio 0 1 2 3
Colorado 4 5 6 7
New York 8 9 10 11 # data
One TWO three four
MIT 0 1 2 3
Colorado 4 5 6 7
New York 8 9 10 11 # rename and inplace
15.5 数据分箱
数据分箱(Binning)是将数据按照某种规则放入相应的箱子里,可以给每个箱子设定一定的条件(如范围、区域),然后将数据放入匹配条件的箱子里,pandas的cut函数可以完成这样的处理。也可规定每个箱子里数据个数相等来进行数据分箱操作,pandas的qcut可以实现这样的数据分箱。 * cut函数实现按不等长度区域范围对数据进行分箱操作。 举个例子,有一门课程的成绩,60分一下应该属于不及格([0, 60)这个区域)这个"箱子"里的数据,92分应属于[90, 100]这个箱子里的数据,这样对于这门课程成绩进行数据分箱处理后,后续可以统计每个箱子里的数据个数,便可知不及格和优秀的学生各有多少。
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# create random records
record = np.random.randint(25, 100, size=20)
print "-" * 40
print record, "# record"
# create random names
name = []
for i in range(20):
chs = np.random.randint(ord("a"), ord("z"), size = 5)
s = ""
for x in chs:
s += chr(x)
print "-" * 40
print name, "# name"
# Intervals
bins = [0, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]
# labels
cats = list("edcba")
print "-" * 40
print cats, "# cats"
# dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(zip(record, name), columns = ["record", "names"])
print "-" * 40
print df, "# df", df.columns
# binning
df["bins"] = pd.cut(df["record"], bins)
print "-" * 40
print df, "# df bins", df.columns
df["category"] = pd.cut(df["record"], bins, labels = cats)
print "-" * 40
print df, "# df category", df.columns
# counting
tj = pd.value_counts(df["bins"])
print "-" * 40
print tj, "# tj"
print "-" * 40
[31 97 34 74 99 82 60 86 89 72 38 71 46 91 87 52 58 70 74 85] # record
['fjhwt', 'soakm', 'choft', 'vxunm', 'eqiqe', 'gpgpl', 'djhvl', 'xiuit', 'pfrwr', 'dqtxd', 'wgeqn', 'asrcr', 'nsctf', 'basre', 'evkaa', 'yxopl', 'dihpq', 'ymahi', 'opwox', 'cwlix'] # name
['e', 'd', 'c', 'b', 'a'] # cats
record names
0 31 fjhwt
1 97 soakm
2 34 choft
3 74 vxunm
4 99 eqiqe
5 82 gpgpl
6 60 djhvl
7 86 xiuit
8 89 pfrwr
9 72 dqtxd
10 38 wgeqn
11 71 asrcr
12 46 nsctf
13 91 basre
14 87 evkaa
15 52 yxopl
16 58 dihpq
17 70 ymahi
18 74 opwox
19 85 cwlix # df Index([u'record', u'names'], dtype='object')
record names bins
0 31 fjhwt (0, 60]
1 97 soakm (90, 100]
2 34 choft (0, 60]
3 74 vxunm (70, 80]
4 99 eqiqe (90, 100]
5 82 gpgpl (80, 90]
6 60 djhvl (0, 60]
7 86 xiuit (80, 90]
8 89 pfrwr (80, 90]
9 72 dqtxd (70, 80]
10 38 wgeqn (0, 60]
11 71 asrcr (70, 80]
12 46 nsctf (0, 60]
13 91 basre (90, 100]
14 87 evkaa (80, 90]
15 52 yxopl (0, 60]
16 58 dihpq (0, 60]
17 70 ymahi (60, 70]
18 74 opwox (70, 80]
19 85 cwlix (80, 90] # df bins Index([u'record', u'names', u'bins'], dtype='object')
record names bins category
0 31 fjhwt (0, 60] e
1 97 soakm (90, 100] a
2 34 choft (0, 60] e
3 74 vxunm (70, 80] c
4 99 eqiqe (90, 100] a
5 82 gpgpl (80, 90] b
6 60 djhvl (0, 60] e
7 86 xiuit (80, 90] b
8 89 pfrwr (80, 90] b
9 72 dqtxd (70, 80] c
10 38 wgeqn (0, 60] e
11 71 asrcr (70, 80] c
12 46 nsctf (0, 60] e
13 91 basre (90, 100] a
14 87 evkaa (80, 90] b
15 52 yxopl (0, 60] e
16 58 dihpq (0, 60] e
17 70 ymahi (60, 70] d
18 74 opwox (70, 80] c
19 85 cwlix (80, 90] b # df category Index([u'record', u'names', u'bins', u'category'], dtype='object')
(0, 60] 7
(80, 90] 5
(70, 80] 4
(90, 100] 3
(60, 70] 1
Name: bins, dtype: int64 # tj
例子里语句df["bins"] = pd.cut(df["record"], bins)
和bins = [0, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]
设定了5个区域作为分箱的依据,即属于[0,60)的数据放入一个箱子,属于[60, 70)放入另一个箱子,...属于[90, 100]的数据放入同一箱子。而语句tj = pd.value_counts(df["bins"])
(0, 60] 7
(80, 90] 5
(70, 80] 4
(90, 100] 3
(60, 70] 1
Name: bins, dtype: int64 # tj
可知每个箱子的数据各有多少个。这个例子给出的分箱依据是不等长度区域。 * cut可以实现等区域长度分箱,方法是从数据里找到最大、最小值,然后等分成若干段区域,然后把满足区域范围的数据放入各个箱子里。
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
record = np.random.randint(25, 100, size=20)
print "-" * 40
print record, "# record"
print "-" * 40
print "max and min of record:", max(record), min(record)
print "-" * 40
cat = pd.cut(record, 4)
print cat.categories, "# area"
print "-" * 40
print pd.value_counts(cat), "# counting"
print "-" * 40
[77 41 95 71 46 40 43 40 90 40 73 72 62 75 37 46 30 44 84 82] # record
max and min of record: 95 30
IntervalIndex([(29.935, 46.25], (46.25, 62.5], (62.5, 78.75], (78.75, 95.0]]
dtype='interval[float64]') # area
(29.935, 46.25] 10
(62.5, 78.75] 5
(78.75, 95.0] 4
(46.25, 62.5] 1
dtype: int64 # counting
cut函数里的4的意思是等长度分成4个区域即[(29.935, 46.25], (46.25, 62.5], (62.5, 78.75], (78.75, 95.0]]
* qcut函数,有的时候想每个箱子里的数据个数相同,可以用qcut函数来来实现这样的分箱操作。
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
record = np.random.randint(25, 100, size=20)
print "****record","*" * 60
print "-" * 40
print record, "# record"
print "-" * 40
print "max and min of record:", max(record), min(record)
print "-" * 40
print "\n\n\n"
print "**** cut ","*" * 60
print "-" * 40
cat = pd.cut(record, 4)
print cat.categories, "# cut"
print "-" * 40
print pd.value_counts(cat), "# counting"
print "-" * 40
print "\n\n\n"
print "**** qcut","*" * 60
cat = pd.qcut(record, 4)
print cat.categories, "# qcut"
print "-" * 40
print pd.value_counts(cat), "# counting"
print "-" * 40
****record ************************************************************
[65 81 47 55 58 84 29 61 85 37 48 81 26 68 91 74 38 34 75 63] # record
max and min of record: 91 26
**** cut ************************************************************
IntervalIndex([(25.935, 42.25], (42.25, 58.5], (58.5, 74.75], (74.75, 91.0]]
dtype='interval[float64]') # cut
(74.75, 91.0] 6
(58.5, 74.75] 5
(25.935, 42.25] 5
(42.25, 58.5] 4
dtype: int64 # counting
**** qcut ************************************************************
IntervalIndex([(25.999, 44.75], (44.75, 62.0], (62.0, 76.5], (76.5, 91.0]]
dtype='interval[float64]') # qcut
(76.5, 91.0] 5
(62.0, 76.5] 5
(44.75, 62.0] 5
(25.999, 44.75] 5
dtype: int64 # counting
(74.75, 91.0] 6
(58.5, 74.75] 5
(25.935, 42.25] 5
(42.25, 58.5] 4
dtype: int64 # counting
(76.5, 91.0] 5
(62.0, 76.5] 5
(44.75, 62.0] 5
(25.999, 44.75] 5
dtype: int64 # counting
15.6 抽取随机样本
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import random
li = range(12,20)
print li, "# li"
print li, "# li shuffle"
arr = np.arange(12,20)
print arr, "# arr"
ind = np.random.permutation(arr)
print ind, "# ind"
[12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19] # li
[18, 16, 14, 15, 13, 12, 19, 17] # li shuffle
[12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19] # arr
[19 12 16 15 17 18 13 14] # ind
- take函数从dataframe提取部分数据,和iloc的作用相似。
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import random
data = pd.DataFrame({'food': ['bacon', 'pulled pork', 'bacon',
'Pastrami', 'corned beef', 'Bacon',
'pastrami', 'honey ham', 'nova lox'],
'ounces': [4, 3, 12, 6, 7.5, 8, 3, 5, 6],
'price' :[7.8,8.3,7.5, 8.2,6.6,7.1 ,8.9,9.0,7.2]})
print "-" * 40
print data, "# data"
sampler = np.random.permutation([1,2,6,7])
print "-" * 40
print data.take(sampler), "# take"
print "-" * 40
print data.iloc[sampler], "# iloc"
print "-" * 40
food ounces price
0 bacon 4.0 7.8
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3
2 bacon 12.0 7.5
3 Pastrami 6.0 8.2
4 corned beef 7.5 6.6
5 Bacon 8.0 7.1
6 pastrami 3.0 8.9
7 honey ham 5.0 9.0
8 nova lox 6.0 7.2 # data
food ounces price
2 bacon 12.0 7.5
7 honey ham 5.0 9.0
6 pastrami 3.0 8.9
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3 # take
food ounces price
2 bacon 12.0 7.5
7 honey ham 5.0 9.0
6 pastrami 3.0 8.9
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3 # iloc
- sample函数可以随机抽取任意个数据。
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import random
data = pd.DataFrame({'food': ['bacon', 'pulled pork', 'bacon',
'Pastrami', 'corned beef', 'Bacon',
'pastrami', 'honey ham', 'nova lox'],
'ounces': [4, 3, 12, 6, 7.5, 8, 3, 5, 6],
'price' :[7.8,8.3,7.5, 8.2,6.6,7.1 ,8.9,9.0,7.2]})
print "-" * 40
print data, "# data"
sampler = np.random.permutation([1,2,6,7])
print "-" * 40
print data.take(sampler), "# take"
print "-" * 40
print data.iloc[sampler], "# iloc"
print "-" * 40
print data.sample(n = 4)
print "-" * 40
food ounces price
0 bacon 4.0 7.8
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3
2 bacon 12.0 7.5
3 Pastrami 6.0 8.2
4 corned beef 7.5 6.6
5 Bacon 8.0 7.1
6 pastrami 3.0 8.9
7 honey ham 5.0 9.0
8 nova lox 6.0 7.2 # data
food ounces price
2 bacon 12.0 7.5
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3
6 pastrami 3.0 8.9
7 honey ham 5.0 9.0 # take
food ounces price
2 bacon 12.0 7.5
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3
6 pastrami 3.0 8.9
7 honey ham 5.0 9.0 # iloc
food ounces price
2 bacon 12.0 7.5
8 nova lox 6.0 7.2
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3
6 pastrami 3.0 8.9
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import random
data = pd.DataFrame({'food': ['bacon', 'pulled pork', 'bacon',
'Pastrami', 'corned beef', 'Bacon',
'pastrami', 'honey ham', 'nova lox'],
'ounces': [4, 3, 12, 6, 7.5, 8, 3, 5, 6],
'price' :[7.8,8.3,7.5, 8.2,6.6,7.1 ,8.9,9.0,7.2]})
print "-" * 40
print data, "# data"
sampler = np.random.permutation([1,2,6,7])
print "-" * 40
print data.sample(n = 4), "# sample < len"
print "-" * 40
print data.sample(n = 16, replace = True), "# sample > len"
print "-" * 40
food ounces price
0 bacon 4.0 7.8
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3
2 bacon 12.0 7.5
3 Pastrami 6.0 8.2
4 corned beef 7.5 6.6
5 Bacon 8.0 7.1
6 pastrami 3.0 8.9
7 honey ham 5.0 9.0
8 nova lox 6.0 7.2 # data
food ounces price
3 Pastrami 6.0 8.2
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3
6 pastrami 3.0 8.9
8 nova lox 6.0 7.2 # sample < len
food ounces price
4 corned beef 7.5 6.6
8 nova lox 6.0 7.2
6 pastrami 3.0 8.9
7 honey ham 5.0 9.0
5 Bacon 8.0 7.1
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3
4 corned beef 7.5 6.6
3 Pastrami 6.0 8.2
2 bacon 12.0 7.5
6 pastrami 3.0 8.9
5 Bacon 8.0 7.1
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3
3 Pastrami 6.0 8.2
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3
7 honey ham 5.0 9.0
1 pulled pork 3.0 8.3 # sample > len
15.7 指标或虚变量Dummy Variables
下面以经典调查数据[the Population Survey of Income Dynamics and the Current Population Survey(为例,来说明指标或虚变量的意义,其数据可以从网站下载cpc3.csv文件是数据文件,而doc文件则是对数据文件各个字段的说明,这个数据统计文件是美国针对部分公民做的一下调查,看一个美国公民年收入和其种族、学历、婚姻之间是否有必然的联系和影响。
我们假设调查时请被调查者从是否已婚、是否为黑人、是否有本科学历和是否是西班牙裔四个选项里选择一下被调查人的基本情况,为了降低数据量,不可能设计表格让被调查者来选,而是写这四项里某项或某几项,这样调查汇总数据总量会比较少,而研究者在得到调查数据后,可以用一个大的数据表或excel文件,在数据文件里列出这四项,如果某被调查者说明自己是黑人且已婚那么在其数据行的black和married下标志为1,而非西班牙裔、非本科学历则其下设置为0,这样的数据处理方式可以称之为虚变量Dummy Variables,而设计的这四项选择数据就是Computing Indicator即统计计算的标量。总之这样的设计可以用数字0和1来代表某一调查属性的真或者假,降低数据的存储更便于数据的统计分析,如果还是理解不了,那么就看看上图就能明白,实际是数据的一种变换形式,其目的是为了便于统计分析。 其特征是数据有k个分类(k distinct values)。上边我们看到的数据是处理后的数据,那么原数据网站并未给出,我们可以使用本书给的另一个有关美国电影的统计数据来最终变成上边这个图片里样子。电影统计数据可以从其官网下载较小的数据文件,使用其中的movies.csv文件。
1,Toy Story (1995),Adventure|Animation|Children|Comedy|Fantasy
2,Jumanji (1995),Adventure|Children|Fantasy
3,Grumpier Old Men (1995),Comedy|Romance
4,Waiting to Exhale (1995),Comedy|Drama|Romance
5,Father of the Bride Part II (1995),Comedy
6,Heat (1995),Action|Crime|Thriller
7,Sabrina (1995),Comedy|Romance
8,Tom and Huck (1995),Adventure|Children
9,Sudden Death (1995),Action
10,GoldenEye (1995),Action|Adventure|Thriller
11,"American President, The (1995)",Comedy|Drama|Romance
12,Dracula: Dead and Loving It (1995),Comedy|Horror
13,Balto (1995),Adventure|Animation|Children
14,Nixon (1995),Drama
15,Cutthroat Island (1995),Action|Adventure|Romance
这样的一个文件,第一列是电影编号,第二列是电影名和出产年代,第三列是电影的类型,就是这第三列和上边的统计收入的数据很像,一个电影的类型可能属于多种类型,但电影的类型是有限的即有k可显著特征值,必然属于这k个电影分类的某一种或几种,那么这第三列数据就可以设计出k个计算标量,然后对应每条电影统计记录,在相应的电影分类下设置1代表该电影是这个类型的电影,而设置0则表示该电影不属于这类电影,最终会和上图的有关婚姻、黑人、西班牙裔以及有本科学历数据项相似,有了这样的数据统计就会方便很多。 怎么处理这个原始的文件呢?先从大的方面来处理,先读出3列数据吧,然后再对第三列进行特殊处理即找到文件里电影分类个数,然后对某电影的分类设置1,不属于的设置0。思路大致就是这样。
1). 通过pandas的read_table读取movies.csv文件里的数据到dataframe数据里,数据里的每行记录的字段用逗号间隔,所以可以指定read_table函数的seq为','
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
movies = pd.read_table('movies.csv', sep=',', header=0, engine='python')
print "-" * 40
print movies[:5], "# movies first 5"
print "-" * 40
2). 数据通过read_table读入到dataframe类型数据变量movies里,movies的genres字段下是电影的类型。需要获得电影的种类,可以使用unique函数获得数据文件里的电影分类并存储在genres变量里(语句genres = pd.unique(all_genres)
all_genres = []
for x in movies.genres:
genres = pd.unique(all_genres)
print genres, "# genres", "has", len(genres), "cats"
print "-" * 40
3). 在获得了电影种类个数k后便可构造一个n x k的全0矩阵了(对应程序的zero_matrix)并构建dataframe数据(对应程序里的dummies),如上图有颜色的几列。
zero_matrix = np.zeros((len(movies), len(genres)))
dummies = pd.DataFrame(zero_matrix, columns=genres)
print dummies, "# dummies"
4). 有了n行k列的dataframe,可以遍历movies来对应设置这k列(电影类型)下为1或为0的工作了。怎样快速的给某行的电影数据在对应的电影类型下设置为1呢?可以先得到该电影的分类,然后依据该电影的分类gen.split('|')
# test the first record and find position
gen = movies.genres[0]
print gen, "# gen"
print "-" * 40
print gen.split('|'), "# gen.split('|')"
print "-" * 40
print dummies.columns.get_indexer(gen.split('|')),"# get"
for i, gen in enumerate(movies.genres):
indices = dummies.columns.get_indexer(gen.split('|'))
dummies.iloc[i, indices] = 1
print dummies.iloc[:5, :5]
df = pd.concat([movies.iloc[:,:2] ,dummies], axis = 1)#.iloc[:5, :5]
movies = pd.read_table('movies.csv', sep=',', header=0, engine='python')
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
movies = pd.read_table('movies.csv', sep=',', header=0, engine='python')
print "-" * 40
print movies[:5], "# movies first 5"
print "-" * 40
all_genres = []
for x in movies.genres:
genres = pd.unique(all_genres)
print genres, "# genres", "has", len(genres), "# cats"
print "-" * 40
zero_matrix = np.zeros((len(movies), len(genres)))
dummies = pd.DataFrame(zero_matrix, columns=genres)
#print dummies, "# dummies"
#print "-" * 40
# test the first record and find position
gen = movies.genres[0]
print gen, "# gen"
print "-" * 40
print gen.split('|'), "# gen.split('|')"
print "-" * 40
print dummies.columns.get_indexer(gen.split('|')),"# get"
for i, gen in enumerate(movies.genres):
indices = dummies.columns.get_indexer(gen.split('|'))
dummies.iloc[i, indices] = 1
print dummies.iloc[:5, :5]
print "-" * 40
df = pd.concat([movies.iloc[:,:2] ,dummies], axis = 1)#.iloc[:5, :5]
print df.iloc[:10, :5]
print "-" * 40
movieId ... genres
0 1 ... Adventure|Animation|Children|Comedy|Fantasy
1 2 ... Adventure|Children|Fantasy
2 3 ... Comedy|Romance
3 4 ... Comedy|Drama|Romance
4 5 ... Comedy
[5 rows x 3 columns] # movies first 5
['Adventure' 'Animation' 'Children' 'Comedy' 'Fantasy' 'Romance' 'Drama'
'Action' 'Crime' 'Thriller' 'Horror' 'Mystery' 'Sci-Fi' 'War' 'Musical'
'Documentary' 'IMAX' 'Western' 'Film-Noir' '(no genres listed)'] # genres has 20 # cats
Adventure Animation Children Comedy Fantasy
0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0
2 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
movieId title Adventure Animation Children
0 1 Toy Story (1995) 1.0 1.0 1.0
1 2 Jumanji (1995) 1.0 0.0 1.0
2 3 Grumpier Old Men (1995) 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 4 Waiting to Exhale (1995) 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 5 Father of the Bride Part II (1995) 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 6 Heat (1995) 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 7 Sabrina (1995) 0.0 0.0 0.0
7 8 Tom and Huck (1995) 1.0 0.0 1.0
8 9 Sudden Death (1995) 0.0 0.0 0.0
9 10 GoldenEye (1995) 1.0 0.0 0.0
Adventure Animation Children
0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1 1.0 0.0 1.0
2 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0